Find what you need
to feel relief.

Hi, I’m Clara.

Have you noticed you’re in a pattern you can’t seem to break? Do you often feel overwhelmed, disconnected, or shutdown? Maybe you aren’t sure what you need, but you know something has to change? I can help. Oftentimes, our old patterns and residual feelings are connected to events and experiences we haven’t yet fully processed. Therapy is a supportive, non-judgmental place for you to do this processing.

As a therapist, I sit with people as they explore new ways of being. Together, we can sort through your past and patterns so you feel unstuck for your future.

“Therapy is about building new associations, making new, healthier default pathways. It is almost as if therapy is taking your two-lane dirt road and building a four-lane freeway alongside it. The old road stays, but you don’t use it much anymore.”

― Bruce D. Perry, What Happened To You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing

Therapy for 20-somethings.

I work with adults ages 18+ with a specialized focus on helping people in their 20s navigate the unique changes and transitions associated with this transformative decade.

Kind words from colleagues

“Clara is a warm, engaged, and welcoming therapist. Clara’s relationships with her clients are a testament to her kindness and her caring demeanor.”

“Clara places a high value on developing connection with her clients. She does not take short cuts in her work.”

“Clara is a strong and natural therapist, and her commitment to client care is present in her work.”

Reach out to schedule a free 20-minute consultation.

It’s important that your therapist is the right fit for you. I offer a free 20-minute video consultation so you can get a sense of what it’s like to work with me.