

Therapy with me

Clara Brand, LICSW (she/her)

As a person and therapist, I value humor, warmth, and transparency. I’m a relational therapist, which means I bring my full, authentic self to our sessions. I won’t spend our sessions just nodding my head and taking notes, I will roll up my sleeves and join you in your healing process. I believe in the healing power of relationships and view therapy as a space to make sense of your life experiences in the presence of someone who can fully see, know, and understand you.

I’m often a good fit for clients who are new to therapy or have had trouble feeling an authentic connection with previous therapists.

I take a social justice-oriented, anti-oppressive approach to therapy, and my priority is to provide trauma-informed, culturally sensitive care. I am welcoming and affirming of all intersections of race, ethnicity, size, ability, faith, sexuality, and gender identity and expression.

I most often support people who have concerns about the following:

  • Sitting with people as they explore the worry, excitement, and ambivalence they feel during life transitions is one of my most cherished roles as a therapist. I often support clients as they navigate relationship challenges, decisions about educational and career paths, exploration of their identities, and social/family role changes. If you’re facing a period of transition, you might be feeling unsettled and uncertain. Perhaps you’re faced with what feels like an impossible choice, or searching for answers to questions that seem unanswerable. I’m here to offer genuine care, interest, and patience as we work together to support you in finding your answers. Together, we will use your unique needs, goals, and values as a compass while guiding you toward the life you most want to live.

  • I frequently support people who are working to make sense of painful past experiences and navigate complicated relationships with family. Oftentimes, people are grieving the relationships they do and don’t have with family. Healing from relational trauma can mean unlearning harmful internalized messages and releasing shame and self-judgment. Through this work, you can improve your connection with yourself and awareness of your needs. You can learn to relate to family and others in a way that balances authentic connection and emotional safety. Together, we can work to develop your sense of groundedness and empowerment.

  • I am especially passionate about helping people heal their relationships with food and with their bodies. I have experience supporting people with diagnosed eating disorders, as well as people who have never received a diagnosis but recognize something about their eating and exercise patterns doesn’t feel right. Some of the clients I work with remember a time when their relationship with food and exercise seemed easy and want to get back to that place, while others can’t recall a time when they felt at peace with food and exercise. I work with all of these clients to disentangle harmful internalized messages and develop a kinder, more compassionate relationship with themselves. I love helping people rediscover the joy of an uncomplicated relationship with food and movement, and free up their invaluable mental space for the activities, relationships, and goals that are most meaningful to them.

    I’m a non-diet, fat positive therapist and my work is aligned with Health At Every Size® (HAES®), intuitive eating, and body trust principles.

I also frequently support people navigating:

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Perfectionism

  • Relationship concerns

  • LGBTQIA+ identity exploration

  • College experiences

  • Boundary-setting

Reach out to schedule a free 20-minute consultation.

It’s important that your therapist is the right fit for you. I offer a free 20-minute video consultation so you can get a feel for whether we’re a good fit.